Saturday, January 16, 2010

10 Steps To A Prettier You

As  an actress and Broadway legend my appearance has always been a priority. No matter how hectic my life becomes or how drunk I get I still take time to really examine myself in the mirror and ask," Is this the best I can do today?"I have found that by following these 10 simple steps I can look in that mirror with confidence and say," Yes it is, baby!" and you can too!

1. Always be sure to wake up. Nothing says "ugly" like a face full of dead.

2. A cold shower in the morning can stimulate your circulation and keep your drink cool.

3. 2 or 3 cigarettes get the lungs working and the heart pumping as well as giving you that sexy french look.

4. Apply your make up with a spatula and set with a good non-stick cooking spray for easy removal in the evening.

5. Always brush your wig at least 100 times to stimulate hair growth and pull its natural oils to the ends.

6. A loose or ill fitting wig can be unsightly. I use thumb tacks to hold mine in place and the dripping blood makes an excellent cheek and lip stain!

7. Choose an outfit that will carry you through the day. From taxi to bar, to work to bar, from lunch to bar, from bar to bar, from bar to jail, and from jail to bed will always look put together with the correct ensemble.

8.Reaplly your make up throughout the day. I redo mine sometimes 40 or 50 times in a 10 hr. period. Make sure that you resemble Queen Elizabeth ( the first) upon arriving at dinner. How regal!

9. If you are meeting a date that evening, be sure to bring extra essentials like back up panty hose, film, knee pads, dental adhesive, thumb tacks, and other items that you may need.

10. Finally, be able to look at yourself at the end of each day and ask, "Did I look my best today?" and" Was that a  dog or a child I hit on my way home?" will always look put together with the correct ensemble.

1 comment:

whabbear said...

Helen: I don't think QE 1 applied makeup... I think she just splashed on white chalk dust!